Sudarmanto lahir di Pacitan, Jawa Timur (Jatim), pada tanggal 3 September 1960. Ia adalah lulusan Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo tahun 2012. Dalam pendidikannya itu, Sudarmanto berhasil meraih gelar Sarjana Ilmu Politik (S.I.P).
[English] Sudarmanto was born in Pacitan, East Java (Jatim), on September 3 1960. He graduated from Muhammadiyah University Ponorogo in 2012. In his education, Sudarmanto succeeded in obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Political Science (S.I.P).
Berbagai pekerjaan dia sudah jalanakan mulai dari Sales Marketing, Customer Service, Telemarketing, Administrasi, Management, Operational sampai dengan Konsultan Keuangan
[English] He has carried out various jobs ranging from Sales Marketing, Customer Service, Telemarketing, Administration, Management, Operational to Financial Consultant.
Financial specialists analyze financial information and develop financial strategies. Provide financial advice, develop financial models, and assess financial risk, financial analysis, developing financial models, and preparing financial forecasts.
To ensure that Celcom customers have a seamless and innovative experience. To design and manage the customer journey experience of using Yoodo. Main areas of the journey cover the mobile app experience, web experience, fulfilment and service experience.
Help customers with complaints and questions, give customers information about products and services, take orders, and process returns. By helping customers understand the product and answering questions about their reservations, they are sometimes seen as having a role in sales.
Sarjana Ilmu Politik tidak hanya mempelajari ilmu politik saja, namun juga mempelajari tentang ilmu social, ekononomi, hak asasi manusia dan demokrasi.
Mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan umum
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